What would the altar look like each week without the Altar Guild? We don’t have to wonder because this dedicated ministry cares for all canonical requirements and those of our priest.
National Altar Guild Prayer
Most gracious Father Who has called me Your child to serve in the preparation of Your Altar, so that it may be a suitable place for the offering of Your Body and Blood; Sanctify my life and consecrate my hands so that I may worthily handle Those Sacred Gifts which are being offered to You. As I handle holy things, grant that my whole life may be illuminated and blessed by You, in whose honor I prepare them, and grant that the people who shall be blessed by their use, May find their lives drawn closer to Him Whose Body and Blood is our hope and our strength, Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN.
Oh Padre bondadosa, que has llamado a tu hija(o) a sevir en la preparación de Tu Altar, para que sea un lugar digno para la Ofrenda de Tu Cuerpo y de Tu Sangre; Santifica mi vida y consagra mis manos para que de esta manera yo pueda encargarme dignamente de estos Dones Sagrados que te ofrecemos. Mientras sujeto estos santos objetos, concede que mi vida sea iluminada y santificada por Ti, en cuyo honor los preparo, y permite también que el pueblo bendecido por su participación, se una más a Él, Cuyo Cuerpo y Sangre son nuestra esperanza y nuestra fortaleza, Jesucristo nuestro Señor. Amén.
The Rt. Rev. E. Don Taylor Vicar Bishop of New York City, All Saints’ Day, 2003